Hot Tub Moving - Our Spa Movers are THE best
Hot tub moving, removal & storage

Luna's Moving offers hot tub moving services 7days/week. We started moving hot tubs all over the Los Angeles County, Orange County, Inland Empire and Ventura County back in 2010. We have moved just about every hot tub that you can think of.
If you are moving a hot tub, please read this page fully. Since we have encountered every obstacle there is, we have created this page with customers in mind. In order to minimize cost as much as possible, we will point out the issues that we someones come across.
We can assure you that reading this page fully can save you the headache of unexpected cost, last min cancellations, last min rescheduling and most importantly, save you the headache of hiring hot tub movers without being properly informed of potential set backs.
If you have any questions, give us a call.

Our team member making some adjustments

Luna's Moving using the spa sled dolly to move this spa down the ramp
We carry just about every tool and piece of equipment that might be needed when moving hot tubs. Sometimes a location has tough access such as... Narrow side gates, uneven terrain, long dirt path, low hanging awnings and ran gutters, stairs or, as seen on these images, different levels.
When this happens, we use our heavy duty ramp to either slide up/down on the spa sled or we would sometimes use a dolly and wheel it up (if the ground is concrete) and safely deliver these thousand pound hot tubs.
We work hard so that you don't have to!

The image on the left shows our team delivering a hot tub. This location was tough, but we made it look easy due to the experience that this team has and the equipment that we have invested in.
This hot tub was delivered curbside by the spa manufacturer. We brought it down 4ft from the street using the sled and ramp combo. Once it was down to the lower level, we traveled about 30ft and again had to use the ramp to move the spa, this time we pushed it up. This spa weighed approximately 1000lbs!
We work with the best equipment that is available. Luna's Moving does not cut corners
Same property Spa Moving
We also provide "Labor Only" spa moves if you do not need us to loan/unload the hot tub. This usually happens when a company has delivered your new spa, but only offers curb side service, when your arriving or leaving town and have rented your own trailer or when you're just rearranging your back yard

Are you moving far away and only need the hot tub loaded? Or are you arriving to Southern California? We can help you load or unload a hot tub. We understand that your situation might not require you to hire a complete pick up and delivery service.
If you are renting a trailer from Uhaul, we can safely load your hot tub and secure it. As you can see from the images in this section of the page, these 2 different hot tubs we're going out of state and the customers wanted us to load the tub only.
We come equipped with all necessary tools even if loading only.
Luna's Movers - Using the spa wedge to move a spa
Luna's Movers - This hot tub needs John Deere

Our team is about to lay the hot tub down

Luna's Spa Movers - Sled

Luna's Spa Movers - Safe spa moving

A very complex situation. Tight spaces, no problem. Luna's Spa Moving
Hot Tub / Spa Removal Services
We offer hot tub/ spa removal services. We can pick up your working or non working tub. We can swap out your old tub with your newly purchased one or just clear the space out by hauling away that old spa!
Common reasons for removal:
Tub no longer works
Swapping out with a new tub
Property remodeling
Need more space
Came with the house
Couldn't sell in time
Giving it away
Frame has termites
Tub is leaking
& many other reasons