Safe Moving Services

Welcome to Luna's Safe Moving page! We can pick up and move safes that weight up to 2,250lbs. Moving a safe requires the right equipment, manpower and experience. Please take a minute to read this entire page. Every moving situation is different and requires different dollies, level of service (for example garage to garage or new wood floors to tile flooring etc..). Of all the things that we move (if your browse this site, you'll see that we move many things/items), safes are by far the heaviest and therefore require the most attention to detail. Not because safes are delicate, they are the exact opposite, but due to the weight, they put a tremendous amount of pressure on whatever surface they pass/travel though. This is why it is extremely important that we get as much information about the safe (usually the brand and model number is enough) and both properties. We need to make sure that the right tools, moving equipment, floor protection and amount of manpower is provided.
How to move a heavy safe?
There are quite a few different pieces of equipment needed to move a safe the right way. As you can see by looking at our images, a different dolly is used based on the:
1. Weight
2. Type of the safe
3. Type of flooring: Cement, Grass, Terrain, Gravel, Wood floors, Linoleum etc...
4. Type of access: Stairs, Elevators, Loading Docks, Incline/Hills
Do not attempt to move a safe on your own if it weighs over 250lbs. We hear it a lot... "I was thinking about getting a friend and renting a Uhaul and dolly". Although possible, using a ramp with the wrong dolly (Uhaul Appliance Dolly) that does not meet the safety requirements or weight capacity can be dangerous. One dolly can not handle it all. It depends on the safe, truck, access (ground floor/stairs etc.) and clearance (narrows point/door entry width).

Hydraulic dollies & Heavy duty hand trucks
When moving large and heavy safes, it is important to come prepared with the right tools and equipment. Luna's Moving provides experienced movers and is prepared for any situation that may arise.
If you have stairs, it will not be a problem as long as there is enough room for the safe to make its way through. We provide stair climbing dollies that greatly reduce the risk of damage to your safe and property.

Floor Protection Included

Moving a heavy safe means that your floors will be put to the test. Luna's movers offers a reliable floor protection solution.
When moving a safe over wood floors, linoleum, tile and other types of flooring, we cover the floor with moving blankets and thick wood panels. This is to prevent damage to your floors such as stress cracks, scratches and deep gashes.
Since we move safes on dollies, all the weight will be placed on the wheels. This means that the weight is not distributed evenly and therefore the risk of puncture/stress cracks to your floor goes way up.

Pallet jack in action (3,250lbs Safe)
One of the questions that we are asked, more than any other, is: "What will you use to move my safe?"
The answer depends on your specific moving needs. In some cases, a pallet jack can get the job done. However, a pallet jack has its limits. Sometimes we need to make a quick 90 degree turn and a pallet jack is just too bulky.
Whenever there is a step involved, a safe hand truck is best. We can easily hop over a threshold in order to avoid applying too much pressure.
If a its a tight space with a tight turn, either a hydraulic tandem dolly or the Anderson dolly are the best choice.

The above image shows us using our 1,200lbs capacity Escalera stair climbing dolly. Here, we have attached the added foam wheels. This helps reduce risk of dropping a safe and also helps distribute the weight across 4 wheels so that your floors to not receive all the weight on just 2 wheels (putting tremendous pressure on your floors).
Moving a safe up/down stairs
Due to high risk of injury and property damage liability (steps giving out), we no longer offer this service. However, we have left this piece here to show what it takes to move safes up/down stairs. You will need an electric stair climbing dolly that you can rent at New Haven Moving or CDS Moving. It is highly recommended that you do not try this alone and unless your a big, heavy guy, we would advice against it.
This piece is solely for informative reasons. Moving a safe up or down stairs is very dangerous and should not be attempted unless you have experience doing so. Do so at your own risk. Luna's Moving cannot be held responsible if you decide to take on the task of moving a safe.

This safe was placed on two 4x4's to allow for easy placing and removal.

Luna's Safe Moving - 1100lbs Safe
The elevator was removed about 20 years ago. A forklift was needed here.
Covering your safe for privacy is possible
Whether you are moving a safe into your business or your home, we can cover your safe in a privacy pad specifically made for safes. We do not typically use covers unless required ( if the safe going through some bushes and it will get scratched etc...).
Isn't the cover just a blanket? Not exactly. Our safe privacy covers wrap all around and over the top. It's a custom cover made to hide all sides. The images below show a safe being moved with our privacy cover.



Storing a Gun Safe (or any safe)
Why do people decide to store their safes?
A few reasons: House remodeling, moving away for long periods of time, downsizing, etc..
Why store with us?
Luna's Moving offers a complete pick up, storing and delivery service. As you can see from our images, we have moved just about every type of safe out there. We have invested in the equipment that is needed to get the job done safely.
Rates to store your safe:
Depending on the size and weight of your safe, the rates will vary from: $40-$100/month.
Note: The month storage fees do not include the pick up and delivery to and from storage. Give us a call to get a moving quote.

Setting your Safe on 4x4s?
Sometimes it's best to place your safe on 4x4s. We offer that option!
Here you can see that safes are sometimes left on 4x4 wooden bases. There are a few reasons why someone would rather leave a safe on 4x4s.
1. They want easy access to the safe so that they have the option to move it around.
2. Their floor might get damaged if the safe needs to be slid back, to the right, to the left etc...
3. The space is too tight or the angle doesn't allow use to get our equipment in and place it on the ground.
4. The safe is too heavy to slide once it's on the ground.
Most gun safes area "easy" to move around once they have been set on the floor. However, burglary and jewelry safes can weigh 3x as much as a gun safe that shares the exact same dimensions!

We can provide 2-3 pieces of 2x4s. We can have it pre-cut if you provide enough notice, or we can also provide them to you last minute. We understand that sometimes you do not know if you will want the safe placed on the floor or on 4x4s until the safe has arrived to the drop off.
Cost to have 4x4s cut to your safes specifications:
1. Ordered with at least a 24hr notice:
2 4x4 Beams for $30
3 4x4 Beams for $50
2. Cut on the spot (last min)
2 4x4 Beams for $40
3 4x4 Beams for $65

Sometimes it's a matter of personal taste. Not all safes have the same height measurement and sometimes, as you can see on the image shown here, a safe is too short or maybe you are too tall to keep bending/reaching too low each time that you need to open your safe. A 4" lift might not seem like a significant lift, but it can be. Low and awkward angles mixed with a heavy door is too much for some. This is when having 4x4 beams is the way to go!
In some cases, the floor is too nice to risk scratching. When a safe is lowered and placed directly on the ground, our equipment might damage the floors. Keep in mind that some safes weight up to 4,000lbs and we will need our pallet jack and or lever/wedge to release it directly onto the floor. Once a safe of this weight is lowered, sliding (even with 10 men) won't be possible without damaging your floors. Having 4x4 beams allows us to safely place your extremely heavy safe in the place and position that you prefer.
Are 4x4's too high? Try these rubber disk!
Should your set your safe on 4x4's? Rubber Disk? Directly placed on the floor?
The answer depends on what your aiming for. View our blog for a more detailed explanation.
We offer a lower solution vs blocks. If you do not like or need the safe to be elevated 4"-6", but don't want the safe set directly on the floor for reasons explained in our blog post, we offer a 1"-2" alternative.
Here we use heavy duty 1" rubber disk. If you wan't a 2" lift, we simply double the disk on each corner.
If your safe weighs over 3,000lbs, you will need 6 disk (instead of 4) to distribute the weight.
Cost of each rubber disk: $5 each

Safe Removal or Disposal
Do you have a safe that is either damaged or you just need removed? We offer removal and/or disposal services.
The most common reason for removing a safe is due to sever damage by a burglar/potential burglar. In some cases the safe can be repaired and restored, but in most cases a safe that has been damaged can not be repaired might be too heavy and large to simply pick up and loaded into your personal vehicle.
The cost of removing a damaged safe depends on the access to get to the safe, size, weight, stairs and other obstacles that may arise.
If you any questions, give us a call.

Bolt Down Services:
Why bolt down?
Gun safes are, in general, lighter than burglary safes and jewelry safes. This means
that they are easier for thieves to haul away. If your safe is in your garage and you
do not plan on moving it any time soon, we highly recommend that have you have bolt it down.
Once bolted, it will not be possible to haul it away without opening the door.
The general rule is, if your safe can be tipped over, the thieves will have no trouble using their pry bars and body weight on your safe's doors. It can take 55 seconds for a seasoned thief to break open your gun safe if its not bolted down.
If you are purchasing a used safe that has been bolted down, not to worry, we can safely
remove the bolts. You will not be able to use the same anchors though. We will need to use
new bolts & anchors when bolting the safe down at its new location.
Cost to bolt down?
1. If we are moving your safe, bolt down will be available at these discounted rate:
$85 if you have the bolts anchors
$105 if you do not have the bolts & anchors
2. If you don't need the safe moved and only need us to come out to bolt it down:
Bolt Down: $150
$0-30 gas fee might apply depending on where you are located.
